Privacy Policy

1.         Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains how MembersWave App uses your data.

MembersWave App respects your right to privacy. Generally, MembersWave App will not make your personal information available to third parties without your consent, subject to this privacy policy. This privacy statement explains MembersWave App’s policy regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and protection of Personal Information. The terms of this privacy statement apply unless different terms are specified as part of a special offer or in another contract.

2.          Personal Information

“Personal Information” is information that can be directly associated with a specific person or entity such as a customer’s name, telephone number, e-mail address, credit, or information about activities directly linked to that person, such as his or her purchases.

If you choose to provide Personal Information to us, we will not share this information with third parties or other MembersWave App users without your explicit permission, except when required by law, regulation, subpoena, or court order or as expressly set forth herein.

3.         Vendors

 The vendor using MemberWave App has to contact support for Registration or any query.

4.         Use of MembersWave App by Children

 MembersWave App does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13, and you must be 18 years of age or older in order to establish an account. Parents are able to set up accounts for their children. In this way, verifiable parental consent is required in order to register a child under the age of 13 to be enrolled, and any parent setting up an account for his or her hereby represents and warrants that he or she is the parent or legal guardian of such child, and has the authority to provide information and render consents on behalf of such child. In the event you become aware that an individual under the age of 13 has enrolled without parental permission, please advise us immediately.

5.         Changes

MembersWave App may update this Privacy Policy from time to time – we encourage you to review it periodically.

6.         Comments and Questions

If you have any comments or questions about our privacy policy please contact us at

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